Webhooks: Real-time Transaction Updates
Webhooks Overview
Imagine knowing the status of your transactions the moment they happen—no refreshing, no waiting. With Hurupay’s Webhooks, you can create a dynamic notification system that keeps you in the loop on all your Collection and Payout API activities.
When the status of your API calls changes, Hurupay’s resource server immediately notifies your server via webhooks. This status change, known as an event, triggers a notification that you can handle through a POST endpoint.
A webhook URL is essentially a POST endpoint that your server listens to for updates. It must be able to parse a JSON request and respond with a status OK to acknowledge receipt.
For both On Ramp and Off Ramp transactions, it’s essential to have webhooks set up to capture the final status—whether success or failure. And here’s the best part: you can configure more than one webhook URL, tailoring the experience to your needs.
router.post("/collection/webhook/url", function(req, res) {
// Retrieve the request's body
const event = req.body;
Partner Webhooks
Ready to set up your webhooks? Let’s dive in:
Your webhook interactions require the following headers:
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: `Bearer ${your-api-key}`
Start by creating a new webhook:
POST https://sandbox.hurupay.com/v1/webhook
Request Body
Here’s how your request body should look:
Request Response
Upon a successful creation, you’ll receive the following response:
"success": true,
"message": "Webhook created successfully",
"data": {
"partnerId": "66bc4d75d8deec854010a9a9",
"url": "https://webhook.site/3c7493b3-f8a3-4fae-834e-00611345d050",
"status": "active",
"_id": "66bd5387bd8c03f82ad87dcf"
Curious to see all your webhooks? Use this command:
GET https://sandbox.hurupay.com/v1/webhook
Request Response
Here’s the response showing your existing webhooks:
"success": true,
"message": "Webhooks fetched successfully",
"data": [
"_id": "66bc52460d68a57141ef2aa5",
"partnerId": "66bc4d75d8deec854010a9a9",
"url": "https://webhook.site/3c7493b3-f8a3-4fae-834e-00611345d056",
"status": "disabled"
"_id": "66bc52a54885955790f70c8c",
"partnerId": "66bc4d75d8deec854010a9a9",
"url": "https://webhook.site/3c7493b3-f8a3-4fae-834e-00611345d056",
"status": "active"
"_id": "66bd5387bd8c03f82ad87dcf",
"partnerId": "66bc4d75d8deec854010a9a9",
"url": "https://webhook.site/3c7493b3-f8a3-4fae-834e-00611345d050",
"status": "active"
Looking for a specific webhook? Here’s how:
GET https://sandbox.hurupay.com/v1/webhook/{webhookId}
Request Response
Retrieve details about the specified webhook:
"success": true,
"message": "Webhook fetched successfully",
"data": {
"_id": "66bc52460d68a57141ef2aa5",
"partnerId": "66bc4d75d8deec854010a9a9",
"url": "https://webhook.site/3c7493b3-f8a3-4fae-834e-00611345d056",
"status": "disabled"
Need to toggle a webhook’s status? Here’s how:
PUT https://sandbox.hurupay.com/v1/webhook/{webhookId}
Request Body
Set the status to “active” or “disabled”:
Request Response
Confirmation of the status change:
"success": true,
"message": "Webhook status updated successfully",
"data": {
"_id": "66bc52460d68a57141ef2aa5",
"partnerId": "66bc4d75d8deec854010a9a9",
"url": "https://webhook.site/3c7493b3-f8a3-4fae-834e-00611345d056",
"status": "active"
Ready to clean up? Deleting a webhook is simple:
DELETE https://sandbox.hurupay.com/v1/webhook/{webhookId}
Request Response
You’ll receive a confirmation like this:
"success": true,
"message": "Webhook deleted successfully",
"data": {}
On & Off Ramp Webhook Responses
Here’s what a failed collection webhook response looks like:
"Body": {
"collectionCallback": {
"PartnerRequestID": "66386452d8d95fb8b8870859",
"CollectionRequestID": "73436b14-b6f5-4e9e-bb4f-aaf605294467",
"ResultCode": 0,
"ResultDesc": "Transaction process was cancelled!"
And here’s a successful collection response:
"Body": {
"collectionCallback": {
"PartnerRequestID": "66386452d8d95fb8b8870859",
"CollectionRequestID": "e3e73daf-e257-4f90-9077-291471ec6157",
"ResultCode": 1,
"ResultDescription": "The service request is processed successfully.",
"PaymentData": {
"PhoneNumber": "254704407239",
"FiatCurrency": "KES",
"FiatAmount": 10,
"CryptoSymbol": "cUSD",
"CryptoDeposited": 0.0727,
"WalletAddressDeposited": "0x67279306F1e188FD6bEE167203E1bE49661755Bf",
"TransactionReceipt": "https://explorer.celo.org/alfajores/tx/0x9cd65d15d7a621544dd36b587a45f4492ee282d1a8810ca8aaf347bbdc505395"
Example of a failed payout webhook:
"Body": {
"payoutCallback": {
"PartnerRequestID": "66386452d8d95fb8b8870859",
"PayoutRequestRequestID": "1f886740-b902-414f-adc2-1d7eb7fa5465",
"ResultCode": 0,
"ResultDesc": "Invalid transaction submitted for processing"
Example of a successful payout webhook:
"Body": {
"payoutCallback": {
"PartnerRequestID": "66386452d8d95fb8b8870859",
"PayoutRequestRequestID": "d193e73b-0f1a-4228-8f70-cbd799738b87",
"ResultCode": 1,
"ResultDescription": "The service request is processed successfully.",
"PaymentData": {
"PhoneNumber": "254704407239",
"FiatCurrency": "KES",
"FiatAmount": 10,
"CryptoSymbol": "cUSD",
"CryptoDeducted": 0.0727,
"WalletAddressDeducted": "0x67279306F1e188FD6bEE167203E1bE49661755Bf",
"TransactionReceipt": "https://explorer.celo.org/alfajores/tx/0x9cd65d15d7a621544dd36b587a45f4492ee282d1a8810ca8aaf347bbdc505395"